Our methodology is rooted in centuries of philosophy, honed by billionaire philanthropists and delivered in an easy to digest, proven way.
Our methodology is rooted in centuries of philosophy, honed by billionaire philanthropists and delivered in an easy to digest, proven way.
Self-confidence, noun: a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities and judgement. So, what role does perception play in the way you feel about something as important as your own qualities and abilities, or even something far simpler? Could it be causing you to miss something brilliant that's staring you in the face?
We all have moments of higher and lower confidence, so how can someone tell when you are at your confident best? How do you behave, what do you do? What could you achieve with more confidence, more often? In this module we explore the first three layers of a five-part behavioural model, demonstrating how what we do on the surface is driven by something much deeper, and it's within our power to change.
If a tree stopped at the trunk it would fall over very quickly. Similarly, just working on attitude might bring some change, but won't stand up to much pressure. To make new behaviours and feelings of self-confidence sustainable, we need to look deeper again and understand what influences our attitude towards something. We must work on the roots of our tree.
Now we understand the power of our thoughts on a theoretical basis, but what about in scientific terms: what's actually happening within our brains? Why do our bad habits and limiting beliefs seem ingrained? Why can changing something we're used to feel completely alien? The answer lies in physical pathways created within our brain every time we do, or even think about something...
Ready for action? Focussed on what you'd like to change first? Then let's go! Drawing together our learning so far, this module guides you through the first half of a ten-step process, designed to rebuild your confidence and self-belief, creating the positive new results you desire, in relation to any specific challenge you face.
The first half of the process, in Module 5, can be both powerful and emotional, as it lays bare the extent of a problem and current reality of an aspect of your life causing unhappiness or worry. Why go through it? Because we need to fully understand how the problem is created and its true impact before we can change it. The great news is that you can change it and, in this module, we complete the final steps to doing exactly that.
When we ask people to list things that are great about them, an alarming number struggle. Yet when we ask people to list things they don't like about themselves, there's barely a second thought, the list is already written! What does that say in relation to our learning so far? The next step in building a more confident, happier self is to consciously recognise, appreciate and reinforce the qualities and abilities you already have.